Manuscript Herbicide

Product Name Qty
Manuscript Herbicide case (3 x 1 gallon jug)


  • Description
  • Specs
  • Labels and SDS Forms

Manuscript Herbicide is a systemic, post-emergence herbicide that effectively controls mature, unwanted grassy weeds in bermudagrass, zoysiagrass and St. Augustinegrass. it features an advanced form of ACCase mode of action that provides a unique solution for tough weeds like tropical signalgrass, large and smooth crabgrass, bull paspalum, dallisgrass, bahiagrass, seashore paspalum, tropical carpetgrass, torpedograss and more in certain warm-season grasses on golf courses, sod farms, residential and commercial lawns and sports turf. It is quickly absorbed by the foliage and translocated to the growing points of stems and leaves. This formula offers excellent flexibility that lets you treat grassy weeds regardless of growth stage, including large, mature weeds. It can be utilized during the summer heat when target turfgrass is actively growing, and it is enriched with a built-in, proprietary safener to improve performance and turf safety.

Can only be purchased by the case. Each case comes with three 1 gallon jugs of Manuscript Herbicide and three 0.67 gallon jugs of Adigor Surfactant.

Manuscript is packaged with Adigor™ surfactant from Syngenta, which is custom-built to be used with Manuscript for greater application reliability. With Manuscript, Adigor is specifically designed to:

  • Speed and maximize foliar absorption
  • Increase spray droplet deposition
  • Enhance droplet spreading
  • Soften plant cuticle to speed and maximize absorption
  • Improved turf safety and efficacy
  • Improve rainfastness in as quickly as one hour



Prior to using Manuscript, ensure that the spray tank, lines and screens, and filters have been thoroughly cleaned.

Mixing Instructions

  • Clean spray tank and half fill with clean water. Start agitation or bypass system.
  • Add correct amount of Manuscript.
  • Agitate for 2-3 minutes before adding remainder of water and then maintain constant agitation.
  • After any break in spraying operations, agitate thoroughly before spraying again.
  • Use the spray solution as soon as it is prepared. It is the pesticide user’s responsibility to ensure that all products are registered for the intended use. Read and follow the applicable restrictions and limitations and directions for use on all product labels involved in tank mixing. Users must follow the most restrictive directions for use and precautionary statements of each product in the tank mixture.


Ground Application Equipment

Use spray nozzles that are uniformly spaced and of the same size to provide accurate and uniform application. Use spray nozzles that provide medium droplets. To help ensure accuracy, calibrate sprayer at the beginning of the season before use and recalibrate frequently. Use a minimum of 20 gallons of water per acre.

Use a pump with capacity to: (1) maintain 35-40 psi pressure at nozzles and (2) provide sufficient agitation within the tank to keep product in suspension. Lower pressures may be used with extended range or drift reduction flat fan nozzles. A centrifugal pump that provides shear action for dispersing and mixing the product is recommended. Use a pump that provides a minimum of 20 gallons per minute per 100 gallon tank size circulated through a correctly positioned sparger tube or jet agitators. If jet agitators are used, align at least 2 agitators on the bottom of the tank pointing toward each end. Agitation during both mixing and application is essential.

Place screens or strainers that are 16-mesh or coarser on the suction side of the pump. Do not place a screen in the recirculation line unless a roller or piston pump is used for spraying the solution. Use 50-mesh or coarser screens between the pump and boom, and when required, at the nozzles. Check nozzle manufacturer’s recommendations. Good coverage with the spray mixture is essential for optimum weed control results. Observe sprayer nozzles frequently during the spraying operation to ensure that the spray pattern is uniform. Avoid large spray overlaps that result in excessive rates in the overlap areas. Also, avoid application under conditions when uniform coverage cannot be obtained or when spray drift may occur (see section titled SPRAY DRIFT MANAGEMENT). For broadcast application, use a boom height that does not exceed 24 inches above the leaf blades of the turfgrass stand.

Avoid all direct or indirect contact (such as spray drift) of this product with ornamental plants since injury may occur. Always follow the SPRAY DRIFT MANAGEMENT and the Instructions for Cleaning Spray Equipment after Application sections of this label.

Rainfastness: Manuscript is rainfast within 1 hour after application.

Instructions for Cleaning Spray Equipment after Application

Thoroughly clean application equipment immediately after spraying Manuscript. Ensure that all traces of the product are removed. The following directions are provided:

  • Drain and flush tank walls, boom, and all hoses for 10 minutes with clean water.
  • Do not clean the sprayer near desirable vegetation, wells, or other water sources.
  • Remove the nozzles and screens and wash separately.
  • Dispose of all rinsates in accordance with state and local regulations.
  • If a broadleaf herbicide, insecticide, or fungicide tank mix partner is used, always check tank mix partner label for any additional cleanup procedures.


  • 9.6 oz. product per acre - 6.5 ml product per 1,000 sq. ft. - 0.22 product per sq. ft.: Make 2 applications, 14 to 21 days apart.
  • 19.2 oz. product per acre - 13.0 ml product per 1,000 sq. ft. - 0.44 product per sq. ft.: Apply once.

Apply in a minimum water volume of 20 gallons per acre.

Use Restriction

  • DO NOT apply more than 19.2 fl oz of Manuscript per acre per calendar year (0.063 lb ai/A/year)

Spot Treatment Rate

Apply as a spot treatment to control individual weeds and/or small areas of weeds when weed pressure is high. To make a spot treatment, mix 9.6 fl oz of Manuscript in a minimum of 20 gallons of water per acre and add the appropriate spray adjuvant(s). Spray weeds until wet, but avoid run-off of spray solution and over-application. Spot treatments are likely to cause yellowing and growth regulatory effects to the turfgrass.

Use Restriction

  • DO NOT apply more than 19.2 fl oz of Manuscript per acre per calendar year (0.063 lb ai/A/year).
  • DO NOT treat more than 10,000 square feet per acre for spot treatments.


Weeds Controlled In Bermudagrass And Zoysiagrass

For control of tropical signalgrass (Urochloa subquadripara), tropical carpetgrass (Axonopus compressus), large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis), smooth crabgrass (Digitaria ischaemum), bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum), dallisgrass (Paspalum dilatatum), canoe grass (Paspalum acuminatum) and suppression of torpedograss (Panicum repens) and suppression of seashore paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum), apply Manuscript in a program approach with Monument 75WG. Initiate treatments early to mid-summer when weeds are actively growing and not under stress. Spot treatments are recommended to control individual weeds or small areas when weed pressure is high.

Manuscript must be applied in combination with Adigor spray surfactant.

Manuscript provides optimum control when applied in the late summer/early fall when dallisgrass is actively growing and not under drought stress. Applications outside the ideal timing will only provide dallisgrass suppression.

For control of bull paspalum (Paspalum boscianum) and thin leaf paspalum (Paspalum setaceum) apply:

  • Manuscript applied at a rate of 19.2 fl oz per acre once OR
  • Manuscript applied at a rate of 9.6 fl oz per acre followed 14 days later by
  • Manuscript applied at a rate of 9.6 fl oz per acre. For bull and thin leaf paspalum control, Manuscript must be applied in combination with Adigor spray surfactant or methylated seed oil.

Weeds Controlled in St. Augustinegrass (Sod Production Only)

For control of tropical signalgrass (Urochloa subquadripara), tropical carpetgrass (Axonopus compressus), large crabgrass (Digitaria sanguinalis), smooth crabgrass (Digitaria ischaemum), bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum), canoe grass (Paspalum acuminatum), dallisgrass (Paspalum dilatatum), bull paspalum (Paspalum boscianum) and thin leaf paspalum (Paspalum setaceum) and suppression of torpedograss (Panicum repens) and suppression of seashore paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum), apply spot treatments of Manuscript to small areas of heavy weed infestation. To make a spot treatment, mix 9.6 fl oz of Manuscript in a minimum of 20 gallons of water per acre and add the appropriate spray adjuvant(s). Spray weeds until wet, but avoid run-off of spray solution and over-application. Spot treatments are likely to cause yellowing and growth regulatory effects to the turfgrass.

For weed control in St. Augustinegrass sod, Manuscript must be applied in combination with Adigor spray surfactant.


Manuscript requires a spray adjuvant. For optimum weed control, use the spray adjuvant(s) as specified in the ‘WEEDS CONTROLLED’ section of this label.

  • 0.5% to 1% v/v Adigor

Always read and follow the spray adjuvant label directions prior to use and observe all precautions, mixing and application instructions.


  • DO NOT apply more than 19.2 fl oz of Manuscript per acre per calendar year (0.063 lb ai/A/ year).
  • DO NOT treat more than 10,000 square feet per acre for spot treatments.
  • DO NOT use Manuscript on St. Augustinegrass sod production unless injury can be tolerated. Manuscript may cause temporary discoloration of St. Augustinegrass and reduced growth rate.
  • DO NOT use on turfgrasses other than those listed above or severe injury may occur.
  • DO NOT apply Monument 75WG to newly seeded, sodded or sprigged turfgrass. Delay applications for at least 4 weeks after sprigging, seed emergence, or sodding.
  • DO NOT use fresh clippings from treated areas as mulch around trees, shrubs, or in vegetable/ flower gardens as some ornamental plants are very sensitive to Manuscript.
  • DO NOT make applications to areas where product may accumulate under the drip line of trees and where product may come in contact with roots of desirable plants.
  • DO NOT apply by air or through any type of irrigation system.
  • DO NOT apply to golf course greens.
  • DO NOT over-seed with perennial ryegrass within 4 weeks after the last Manuscript application.
  • DO NOT spray if winds are above 10 mph to minimize drift to non-target plants. Use large droplet size and pressure appropriate for type of nozzles used to produce medium to large droplet sizes.
TARGET PESTS Tropical signalgrass, tropical carpetgrass, bahiagrass, large crabgrass, smooth crabgrass, bahiagrass, bull paspalum, dallisgrass, canoe grass, thinleaf paspalum, torpedograss and seashore paspalum
FOR USE IN Bermudagrass and zoysiagrass on golf courses, sod farms, sport fields, residential properties (including home lawns) and other non-residential turf areas (such as airports, cemeteries, commercial buildings, and similar sites)




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